Housing Resources
Housing Authority of Pikeville
748 Hambley Blvd, Pikeville, KY 41501 (Myers Tower) / 606-432-8124
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program, apply in office
Manager Section 8 Vouchers- April Thacker - 606-432-8124 Ext. 209
Occupancy Specialist- Amber Anderson - 606-432-8124 Ext. 207
Pike County Housing Authority
142 Trivette Drive Pikeville KY 41501 | Phone: 606-432-4178
Housing Choice Voucher for low-income families
Family Self-Sufficiency Program-5-year work and savings program for families receiving housing assistance.
programApplication.pdf (pchaky.com)
Mountain Comprehensive Care Center Housing
104 South Front Ave, Prestonsburg, KY 41653 Phone (Homelessness Assistance): 606-788-9789
WestCare Perry Cline Emergency Shelter
Provides housing, substance abuse services, and independent living skills for the homeless.
173 Redale Road, Pikeville, KY 41501 Phone: 606-432-9442
Recovery Housing- Kentucky Phoenix Project
5230 KY 321, Suite 6, Prestonsburg, KY 41653 / 606-459-5001
Whitesburg Housing Authority
4 Banks Street, Whitesburg, Kentucky, 41858/ 606-633-7144
Hours: 8 AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday
65 Bentley Ave, Whitesburg, KY 41858 606- 632-1717
Domestic violence housing, home repairs, affordable rentals, community improvement Homes, Inc. (homesincorporated.org)
KRCC Housing Services
Serving Breathitt, Knott, Lee, Leslie, Letcher, Owsley, Perry, and Wolfe Counties Homeless assistance, rental assistance, KRCC- owned rental properties
1-800-575-7223 ext. 1907